Episode 10
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Episode 10

Fried Red Tomatoes and Green Chilli Eggs

Slice the tomatoes, about an inch in thickness. Finely chop the green chilli, the ones I use are Cubanelle peppers from my garden; they are mild green chilies with a touch of heat. In a high heated frying pan or skillet, add oil and then add tomato slices. Turn the heat down to medium. Add sugar, and salt. Cook for a few minutes, and then flip the slices, add a bit more salt and sugar and flip again. Cook until tomatoes are soft and tender, and well caramelized and remove from the pan. In the same skillet add more oil. Crack open the eggs and add chopped chilli; add salt and pepper to your taste. You can do your eggs however you like, but I like mine over easy. Slice your bread, toast to golden perfection and butter. Put the egg on top of the toast and spoon the tomatoes on top. Enjoy!



Free Range Eggs
Beefsteak Tomatoes
Fresh Green Chilli
Raw Cane Sugar
Freshly Ground Black Pepper
Fresh Bread

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