Ruhi Sleep

What It’s All About!

The Sleep and Society Podcast

Sleep through the lens of biology, economics, and society

Everybody sleeps. But not all sleep is equal-the timing, amount, and quality of sleep have a profound impact on our biology, psychology, economy and society. The Sleep and Society podcast focuses on humanity through the lens of sleep, from many fascinating angles. Based on Ruhi Snyder’s ground-breaking …


These engaging and animated sleep workshops incorporate verbal and visual metaphors to communicate the science, the nature, and the importance of sleep to all ages. They challenge audiences’ preconceived notions about sleep and helps them link to their own experiences of sleep instead. Using pedagogical tool to demonstrate the more abstract and intricate concepts like circadian clock genes or our 24/7 society, and interweaving with narrative story based on lived experiences, these workshops humanize the discussions around sleep and its intricate relationship to how we live.

My Kitchen


This Isn’t a cooking show- it is an invitation to be playful. Cooking is a delightful necessity. A form in which we get to use our  imagination, creativity and intuition. It is a profound expression of our shared humanity. Nothing gives me more joy than sharing it with others. Welcome to my kitchen.

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